Round 3 S23

Jimmie Foxx Featured

Hall of Famer Jimmie Foxx brings his power and average up against the former Home Run King, Gavvy Cravath, what might have been Pete Reiser, and underrated power hitter Del Ennis. Rounding out the league is Jacoby Ellsbury, George H. Burns, Dave Collins, and back-from-the-minors Don Buford. A top 4 finish means a guaranteed spot in Round 5.

Jimmie-Foxx-Card Baseballs Greatest Player Playoff Card

Played as: Jimmie Foxx
Full Name: James Emory Foxx
Nicknames: Beast, Double X, The Maryland Strong Boy

Gavvy-Cravath-Card Baseballs Greatest Player Playoff

Played as: Gavvy Cravath
Full Name: Clifford Carlton Cravath
Nicknames: Cactus

Pete-Reiser-Card Baseballs Greatest Player Playoff

Played as: Pete Reiser
Full Name: Harold Patrick Reiser
Nicknames: Pistol Pete

Del-Ennis-Card Baseballs Greatest Player Playoff

Played as: Del Ennis
Full Name: Delmer Ennis
Nicknames: None

Jacoby-Ellsbury-Card Baseballs Greatest Player Playoff Card

Played as: Jacoby Ellsbury
Full Name: Jacoby McCabe Ellsbury
Nicknames: Tacoby Bellsbury or Chief
Twitter: @JacobyEllsbury

Don-Buford-Card Baseballs Greatest Player Playoff

Played as: Don Buford
Full Name: Don Alvin Buford
Nicknames: None

George-H-Burns-Card Baseballs Greatest Player Playoff

Played as: George Burns
Full Name: George Henry Burns
Nicknames: Tioga George

Dave-Collins-Card Baseballs Greatest Player Playoff

Played as: Dave Collins
Full Name: David Scott Collins
Nicknames: Rapid City Rabbit

The Results

Jimmie Foxx11737.760*WON*
Gavvy Cravath9064.58427.0
Pete Reiser7975.51338.0
Don Buford7579.48742.0
Del Ennis7579.48742.0
Jacoby Ellsbury6391.40954.0
George Burns6292.40355.0
Dave Collins5599.35762.0

Jimmy Foxx just crushed it. He led the rest of the league in batting by over 20 points, had almost twice the average runs, and his 427 home runs were the third highest team season home run total, behind Babe Ruth‘s 537 and Lou Gehrig‘s 442. Only third place Pete Reiser managed a .500 record against him. Gavvy Cravath took second while Del Ennis and accidental participant Don Buford tied for fourth. Ellsbury, Burns, and Collins will get a second crack at advancement in Round 4.

Season Highlights

  • Jimmy Foxx99 led all batters with a .307 average.
  • Foxxes monopolized the top nine spots in home runs, Foxx9 taking the top spot with 53. His 126 RBIs were only good for second place, as Foxx4 did him one better.
  • Gavvy Cravath7 was 21-0 in steal attempts.
  • Foxx had a 25-game hitting streak.
  • Jimmy Foxx3 had two 3-HR games. Two other Foxxes joined Del Ennis2 with the same achievement.
  • No-Hitters
    None; No one-hitters, either.

Tim Bruno

Tim has been a baseball fan for most of his life and has played a great deal of baseball and softball over the years. Although his playing days are long behind him, he remembers back when he was an extremely fast catcher with an extremely bad arm. He has been playing Strat-o-Matic baseball since he was 14. Tim is currently living in southwest France and writes A LOT about coffee at He has also written Procaffeination: A Coffee Lover's Dictionary, which will be available soon. You can find out more about Tim's writing at and if you want to contact him about the tournament, drop him an email at

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