Round 3 S34

Dead ball era star Sherry Magee surprised with 100 wins in Round One and has his work cut out for him if he expects to repeat in this season. Hall-of-Famers Jeff Bagwell, Harry Hooper, and Frank Chance are joined by relative unknown Bob Dillinger and modern stars Willie Wilson, David Justice, and Richie Sexson.

Sherry-Magee-Card Baseballs Greatest Player Playoff

Played as: Sherry Magee
Full Name: Sherwood Robert Magee
Nicknames: None

Jeff-Bagwell-Card Baseball's Greatest Player Playoff

Played as: Jeff Bagwell
Full Name: Jeffrey Robert Bagwell
Nicknames: Baggy, BagPipes, (along with Craig Biggio) The Killer B’s

Harry-Hooper-Card Baseballs Greatest Player Playoff

Played as: Harry Hooper
Full Name: Harry Bartholomew Hooper
Nicknames: Hoop (along with Duffy Lewis and Tris Speaker) The Golden Outfield or The Million Dollar Outfield

Frank-Chance-Card Baseballs Greatest Player Playoff

Played as: Frank Chance
Full Name: Frank Leroy Chance
Nicknames: Husk, The Peerless Leader

Willie-Wilson-Card Baseballs Greatest Player Playoff

Played as: Willie Wilson
Full Name: Willie James Wilson
Nicknames: None
Twitter: @WWBB6

Bob-Dillinger-Card Baseballs Greatest Player Playoff

Played as: Bob Dillinger
Full Name: Robert Bernard Dillinger
Nicknames: Duke

David-Justice-Card Baseballs Greatest Player Playoff

Played as: David Justice
Full Name: David Christopher Justice
Nicknames: David “Supreme Court” Justice (thank you Chris Berman)
Twitter: @23davidjustice

Richie-Sexon-Card Baseball's Greatest Player Playoff

Played as: Richie Sexson
Full Name: Richmond Lockwood Sexson
Nicknames: None

The Results

Magee did well but fell from the top seed to third place as Jeff Bagwell asserted his power and ability to get on base to claim the top spot for the season. Frank Chance showed he was more than just a mention in a poem, grabbing second place and David Justice rounded out the top four. The others get a second chance in Round 4.

Season Highlights

  • Sherry Magee was the only batter to reach .300, leading the league with that mark.
  • Eight Willie Wilsons had at least 10 triples with Wilson8 leading the pack with 17. He also one of three Wilsons to top 100 stolen bases with 116 SBs.
  • Sexson8 took the home run crown with 31.
  • Wilson7 had 10 HBP.
  • Jeff Bagwell2 and Bagwell4 each had 3-HR games.
  • Wilson99 had a 6 SB game.
  • No-Hitters
    5/ 1 Ted Lyons6 of the Sherry Magee team vs. Bob Dillinger
    6/24 Bucky Walters2 of the Frank Chance team vs. Willie Wilson
    Both were Perfect Games!

Tim Bruno

Tim has been a baseball fan for most of his life and has played a great deal of baseball and softball over the years. Although his playing days are long behind him, he remembers back when he was an extremely fast catcher with an extremely bad arm. He has been playing Strat-o-Matic baseball since he was 14. Tim is currently living in southwest France and writes A LOT about coffee at He has also written Procaffeination: A Coffee Lover's Dictionary, which will be available soon. You can find out more about Tim's writing at and if you want to contact him about the tournament, drop him an email at

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