Round 3 S08

Joe Kelley Featured Image

Old-Timer Handsome Joe Kelley and fellow Hall-of-Famer Johnny Evers match their speed against the power of HOF-ers Johnny Mize and Joe Gordon. Also in the mix are real gamers Danny Murphy, Ken Singleton, Al Rosen, and Chili Davis. You have to finish in the top 4 to guarantee a berth in Round 5.

Joe-Kelley-Card Baseballs Greatest Player Playoff

Played as: Joe Kelley
Full Name: Joseph James Kelley
Kingpin of the Orioles
Handsome Joe
Handsome Joe Kelley

Johnny-Mize-Card Baseballs Greatest Player Playoff

Played as: Johnny Mize
Full Name: John Robert Mize
The Big Cat, Big Jawn

Joe-Gordon-Card Baseballs Greatest Player Playoff

Played as: Joe Gordon
Full Name: Joseph Lowell Gordon

Danny-Murphy-Card Baseballs Greatest Player Playoff

Played as: Danny Murphy
Full Name: Daniel Francis Murphy
Old Reliable

Ken-Singleton-Card Baseballs Greatest Player Playoff

Played as: Ken Singleton
Full Name: Kenneth Wayne Singleton

Al-Rosen-Card Baseballs Greatest Player Playoff Card

Played as: Al Rosen
Full Name: Albert Leonard Rosen
Flip, The Hebrew Hammer

Johnny-Evers-Card Baseballs Greatest Player Playoff Card

Played as: Johnny Evers
Full Name: John Joseph Evers
Crab, Trojan

Chili-Davis-Card Baseballs Greatest Player Playoff

Played as: Chili Davis
Full Name: Charles Theodore Davis
Chili Bowl

The Results

Johnny Mize9955.643*WON*
Joe Gordon8371.53916.0
Joe Kelley8371.53916.0
Ken Singleton7975.51320.0
Al Rosen7381.47426.0
Johnny Evers6787.43532.0
Danny Murphy6787.43532.0
Chili Davis6589.42234.0

Johnny Mize “played even with the contenders and beat the brains out of the bums” to cruise to a first-place finish. Joes Kelley and Gordon hung on to tie for second while my personal favorite, Ken Singleton used a balanced attack to qualify in fourth place. Finishers five through eight will try their luck in Round 4 in an attempt to continue in the tournament.

Season Highlights

  • Mize3 contended for the Triple Crown, leading with 90 RBI and finishing 2nd in average with .303 and HRs with 41.
  • Mize8 led the league with 44 HRs.
  • Singleton5 had 10 HBPs.
  • Evers5 hit safely in 20 straight games.
  • Al Rosen shutout Johnny Evers 20-0 on August 13th.
  • In a wild and wooly affair, Rosen pounded out 18 hits including 4 home runs in a 12-11 loss to Joe Kelley, who managed 20.
  • Mize, Singleton99, and Mize6 each had a 3-HR game.
  • Rosen2 had an 8 RBI game.
  • No-Hitters
    None, but Pedro Martinez2 pitched 11 innings of no-hit ball and was not involved in the decision. There were 3 one-hitters.

Tim Bruno

Tim has been a baseball fan for most of his life and has played a great deal of baseball and softball over the years. Although his playing days are long behind him, he remembers back when he was an extremely fast catcher with an extremely bad arm. He has been playing Strat-o-Matic baseball since he was 14. Tim is currently living in southwest France and writes A LOT about coffee at He has also written Procaffeination: A Coffee Lover's Dictionary, which will be available soon. You can find out more about Tim's writing at and if you want to contact him about the tournament, drop him an email at

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